
Whether you’re the senior doctor or the associate, Modern Dental Care will design a thoughtful, documented path to the next step in your dental associateship.  The reason why over 80% of dental associateships fail is because there is no set timeline or process for the transition of ownership and problems arise:

  • The associate simply doesn’t want to go-it-alone
  • The associate is ready to move up before the senior dentist is ready to retire
  • The senior dentist is ready to retire before the associate is ready to take over
  • The practice is just too small to accommodate two doctors
  • The associate cannot meet the expectations of the senior dentist
  • There is a disconnect in the clinical philosophy of the two doctors

No matter the concern, Modern Dental Care is your answer.  After a full analysis of your practice, we will partner with an associate to purchase the dental practice when it makes sense to do so.  Whether you’re an owner with an associate, or an associate on track for ownership, call us today.  You’ll both earn your KNOWING SMILE; one that needs no explanation because you have a clever understanding of just how good the next step can be.

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